The Original Online Studio Drummer, long time studio pro and Juno Award winning Phil Robertson, whose top clients include Disney, Universal Music, EA NBA Live, The 2010 Olympics, 2011 Arab Olympic Games, Need For Speed, WEA, Nettwerk Records and many more, empowering indie and label songwriters, musicians and producers with world class drum tracks at truly affordable rates! Remote Sessions with top level sonics delivered world wide over the internet!
Featured on National Public Radio
Tired of Repetitive Loops?
Are you a home studio owner/recording artist or perhaps a busy pro-studio owner? Are you sick and tired of repetitive drum loops that are created by a machine? Does your music need the reality and touch of a real player playing an actual drum kit – or even if you’re wanting custom midi drums played by a real drummer?
Experienced Pro
25 year professional online studio drummer offering remote sessions with an interactive environment to provide you with fully customized live drums, percussion and integrated loop performances for your home studio recordings and professional production houses anywhere!
Trusted by Major Labels
Join Phil’s A-List drum clients which include Disney, Universal Music, Electronic Arts, the 2010 Olympic Winter Games, Nettwerk Records, the late Blues legend Ray Charles and many others. Get your next set of custom drum tracks from the professional who is trusted by major labels and producers world-wide.
Phil offers scaled pricing which makes his services affordable on any budget.

Audio Samples
* Produced & Engineered by Phil Robertson